Cook Sworn In to Serve Third Term in House of Representatives
HARRISBURG – Rep. Bud Cook (R-Washington/Fayette) has been sworn in to serve his third term in the PA House of Representatives. Cook issued the following statement:

“The 2019-20 Legislative Session was one of the most difficult times in our state’s history. Between election irregularities, the COVID-19 pandemic and a governor who refused to work with us to do right by our people, it will be a session to remember and learn from as we move forward.

“In the upcoming session, my main goal is to ensure our government is always fair, transparent and accountable. I will not stop fighting for our citizens to know what their government is doing at all times and why it is doing it. After all, government officials are elected by the Pennsylvania people and are expected to work for them 24/7.

“I am honored the people of the 49th Legislative District once again chose me to represent them in Harrisburg. Rest assured I will never stop fighting for you, We the People.”

The 49th District covers parts of Washington and Fayette counties. Residents can learn more about Cook at and can follow him on Facebook at

Representative Bud Cook
49th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Michelle Swab
717.260.6325 /