Cook Announces Farm-to-School Grant Awards
October 11, 2024
HARRISBURG – Rep. Bud Cook (R-Greene/Washington) today announced the award of two Farm-to-School grants in Washington County.
“Agriculture is not only our state’s top industry – it is a lifestyle passed on from one generation to the next,” Cook said. “These grants aim to ensure our youth understand where their food comes from, as well as the career opportunities that exist in the agriculture industry.”
The grants, administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, were awarded as follows:
• California Academy of Learning – $13,631 to fund “The Sunflower Symphony: A Buzzing Collaboration with Bees.” The project will teach students in kindergarten through fifth grade about sunflowers and apiary agriculture in PA.
• California Area School District – $8,590 to fund “Buzzing Minds Learn from Farm to School – Partnership with Bedillion Honey Farm. The program immerses elementary students in the world of honeybees, teaching them about their essential role. Middle school students will explore honeybee genetics, gaining advanced knowledge of these vital pollinators.
The Farm-to-School grant program was created to support projects aimed at improving access to healthy, local food and providing hands-on agricultural learning experiences for children from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade.
Representative Bud Cook
50th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Patricia Hippler
717.772.9846 /
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