Rep. Cook Budget Update
Rep. Bud Cook (R-Fayette, Washington) says his priority is making sure there is more money in the rainy-day fund.
Rep. Bud Cook (R-Fayette, Washington) says his priority is making sure there is more money in the rainy-day fund.
The Fiscal Year 2018-19 General Appropriation bill (House Bill 2121) is on its way to the state Senate for consideration after the House of Representatives passed it Thursday by a vote of 188-10. The $32.7 billion spending plan increases growth by 1.7 percent, which is below the rate of inflation (2.13 percent), requires no additional taxes or revenues and officially erases a deficit. The budget also includes a record high $12.3 billion investment in education from pre-k through 12th grade, with additional increases in funding for career and technical education as well as higher education. The budget bill is expected to be sent to the governor prior to June 30, after anticipated Senate passage.
Rep. Bud Cook (R-Fayette & Washington) is inviting residents to attend a town hall meeting on Thursday, March 8th at 6:00 PM at the Washington Volunteer Fire Department. More information is available on the internet at or by calling Rep. Cook’s district office at (724) 669-2242. A prerecorded public service announcement for radio use is now available on this topic. This spot expires on Thursday, March 6, 2018 at 12:00 PM.
A new Legislative Report Program-Podcast with Rep. Bud Cook (R- Fayette & Washington) is now available on the House Republican Radio News Service. You may use this brief public affairs report in its entirety or edit it down for actualities to use in your state government news coverage.
The Pennsylvania House opened its 201st legislative session Tuesday in Harrisburg with the swearing in of a 121 member Republican majority, which represents the largest Republican House majority in decades. This includes 12 newly elected Republican members of the House. Rep. Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny County) was also formally re-elected to a second term as Speaker of the House of Representatives. The House Republican leadership team also includes: Majority Leader Dave Reed (R-Indiana County); Majority Whip Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster); Appropriations Chair Stan Saylor (R-York); Republican Caucus Chair Marcy Toepel (R-Montgomery); Policy Committee Chair Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre & Mifflin); Caucus Administrator Kurt Masser (R- Columbia, Montour & Northumberland); and Caucus Secretary Donna Oberlander (R-Armstrong, Clarion & Forest). Rep. Cook offered his observations as a new member of the House and outlined personal priorities for the coming session.
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