Cook Supports Voting Rights Protection Act
House Bill 1300, also known as the Voting Rights Protection Act, will be considered by the full House this week, and Rep. Bud Cook (R-Washington/Fayette) is in full support of the legislation.
“I still believe that we should have a full forensic audit of the 2020 election, and I continue to push for it,” Cook said. “However, House Bill 1300 would make our election laws the best in the country and pave the way for a ‘hard to cheat, but easy to vote’ system for all other states.”
The act would call for an expansion of Pennsylvania’s voter identification law; require regular election audits; improve election uniformity among the 67 counties as required by the Pennsylvania Constitution; enhance certification processes for all machines used in elections; require signature verification using ballot scanning equipment for mail-in and absentee ballots; improve lists of registered voters; conduct an audit of every election for, among other things, to improve security of elections. Specifically, registered voters would receive through their counties’ durable scannable voter registration cards, much like the identification cards currently issued to voters, to be used when voting in person.
Cook issued the following statement on the bill:
“The House State Government Committee worked tirelessly to ensure the flaws of the 2020 election would not be repeated. They held a series of 10 hearings and dove deep into every single aspect of Pennsylvania’s voting process. I am confident that we now know what mistakes were made and we can move forward with legislation so that those mistakes aren’t made again.
“The bill, if enacted, promises to bring our elections into the modern world. Our voting process would once again be one that the people of this Commonwealth can believe in. This bill would guarantee that what happened during the last election would never happen again.
“Our constituents deserve to have a voting process they can trust. They deserve to know that their vote was counted accurately and that their voice is being heard. I was proudly elected by the people of the 49th District, and it is my mission to make sure they are comfortable with our voting laws.
“When we vote on House Bill 1300 next week on the House floor, you can bet that I am voting yes. It is time our state stand behind elections that make it hard to cheat and easy to vote.
“I encourage all Pennsylvanians of any party to get active in the voting process and the future of our communities. Just voting is not enough in our current politically charged environment – We the People must engage. Consider volunteering at a polling location as a judge of elections, majority inspector, minority inspector or machine operator. During the 49th District’s Fall Townhall meeting, my office will have detailed information about Pennsylvania’s elections through our ‘Trust But Verify’ program. Times and locations will be announced soon and ALL are welcome to attend.”
Representative Bud Cook
49th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Michelle Swab
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