Jul. 10, 2019

BELLE VERNON – Rep. Bud Cook (R-Washington/Fayette) is inviting District 49 residents to attend his next Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, July 18. Beginning at 6 p.m., this informative Ice Cream Social will be held at Franklin Community Park, Pavilion 1, 115 Warchol Road, Vanderbilt, PA 15486.

“This informal community event is a great way to combine a serious discussion of government issues with some summertime refreshment,” Cook said. “Enjoy some delicious ice cream and learn more about the services available to you through our Belle Vernon district office. I look forward to sharing a brief update on state and local issues, hearing what’s on residents’ minds, answering questions and having dessert with everyone. Be sure to tell your friends and neighbors!”

District 49 residents interested in attending the ice cream social town hall are asked to RSVP by Monday, July 15, by contacting Cook’s Belle Vernon district office at (724) 929-2660.

The 49th Legislative District includes a portion of Fayette County consisting of the boroughs of Belle Vernon, Fayette City and Newell; and the townships of Franklin, Jefferson and Washington; and a portion of Washington County consisting of the city of Monongahela; the boroughs of Allenport, Beallsville, Bentleyville, California, Charleroi, Coal Center, Cokeburg, Deemston, Donora, Dunlevy, Elco, Ellsworth, Long Branch, Marianna, New Eagle, North Charleroi, Roscoe, Speers, Stockdale, Twilight and West Brownsville; and the townships of Carroll, Fallowfield, North Bethlehem, West Bethlehem and West Pike Run.

Representative Bud Cook
49th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Contact: 724.929.2660
RepBudCook.com / Facebook.com/RepBudCook