Cook Announces Grant to Support Angler Education

August 28, 2020

HARRISBURG – Rep. Bud Cook (R-Washington/Fayette) announced that the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) awarded $11,016 to the Intermediate Unit 1 in Washington County to engage students enrolled in alternative education and those with special needs.

The local grant as part of an overall initiative to support 14 education projects in 10 counties, including four statewide efforts. The grant program is part of the PFBC’s efforts to recruit new anglers and boaters, retain existing participants in these activities, and reactivate former anglers and boaters whose participation may have lapsed.

“As so many of us from the Mon Valley know, there’s peace and joy in fishing. The PFBC is working to share the love of this great sport with young adults who may be struggling for a number of reasons, and I’m grateful that some of the grant money to do that will be spent right here in the Mon Valley,” Cook said.

Funds awarded through the program will be used to purchase equipment, supplies and educational resources; provide transportation; and cover costs associated with the development and delivery of the program.

All projects funded for this round of grants must be completed by July 31, 2021.

Representative Bud Cook
49th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Alison Evans
717.260.6206 /

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