CFA Grant Awarded to Washington County

April 21, 2021

WASHINGTON COUNTY – Rep. Bud Cook (R-Fayette/Washington) announced that a $485,000 Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) grant was awarded to Guttman Realty Company. The grant will be used to improve facility modifications for water disposal.

Guttman Realty Company requested assistance from the Multimodal Transportation Fund for facility modifications to improve transportation of wastewater in Speers Borough, Washington County. The plan is to rehabilitate the facility for safe transportation of produced water from the natural gas industry. The facility will be modified to accept waste water from the natural gas industry by truck to be stored in existing tanks and ultimately transported by barge to the treatment facility in Ohio. By using barges to transport the produced water, the impact on highway degradation and congestion will be greatly decreased, therefore providing a much-needed transportation alternative method for the process.

“I am pleased to have been an advocate for this funding,” said Cook. “Not only will this grant improve transportation safety, but it will also create a few new jobs. These are the projects to be focusing on in a time when economic recovery is needed.”

Facility modifications will be made to the existing Guttman Realty Company terminal storage facility located on the Monongahela River.

Representative Bud Cook
49th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Michelle Swab
717.260.6325 /

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