Dec. 15, 2021
WASHINGTON COUNTY – In late October, Rep. Bud Cook (R-Washington/Fayette) held a press conference titled “Come On Man, it’s the People’s Money” on the Washington County Courthouse steps to officially release his findings in his five-year Local Share Account (LSA) investigation.
The press conference was held to answer some long-standing questions on how LSA grants are awarded in Washington County; however, in the following weeks, Cook was left with even more questions as to why this grant process is not fair, accountable and transparent.
“As a state representative, nothing is more important to me than ensuring constituents can trust government on all levels,” said Cook. “LSA money is public money. I have said it from the beginning – the public deserves to know how that money is being used.”
Cook has continuously sent letters to the members of the LSA review committee and has been met with silence each time. In his most recent letter to the Washington County Commissioners, he requested to know who is serving on the 2022 LSA review committee, the selection process of LSA committee members, financial statements of interest and conflicts of interests after they were sent to Bill McGowen and received no response. These questions were asked in addition to previous questions sent to the current LSA review committee which also received no response.
The full letter to the commissioners is attached to this release. To review all LSA materials released by Cook, visit
Representative Bud Cook
49th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Michelle Swab
717.260.6325 /