Jun. 20, 2022

HARRISBURG – Rep. Bud Cook (R-Washington/Fayette) has been appointed to serve as a member of the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee. 

“Agriculture is the top industry in Pennsylvania,” said Cook. “It’s an honor to have been appointed to this committee that does such important work for the agriculture community and the state, as everyone in PA benefits. I look forward to working with members of the committee on legislation important to keeping our agriculture industry thriving.”

“Rep. Bud Cook will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee,” said Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams), committee chairman. “As one who is familiar with Pennsylvania agriculture and the many issues affecting farmers, Bud will be a strong advocate for our Commonwealth’s No. 1 industry and a great addition to our committee.”  

Cook also serves as a member on the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, and as the secretary of the House Insurance Committee and the House Tourism and Recreational Development Committee.  

Representative Bud Cook
49th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Michelle Swab
RepBudCook.com / Facebook.com/RepBudCook
