Cook to Host Concealed Carry Seminar

August 25, 2022

WASHINGTON AND FAYETTE COUNTIES – Rep. Bud Cook (R-Washington/Fayette) will host a Concealed Carry Seminar on Thursday, Sept. 8, from 6-8:30 p.m. The event will be held at the Roscoe Sportsman’s Club, located at 1069 Sloan Lane, Coal Center.

“The Second Amendment is one that is extremely important to our freedom,” said Cook. “Everyone who does or plans to own a firearm needs to be well-versed in what you can and cannot do as a registered gun owner.”

Attendees will learn about Pennsylvania’s process for acquiring a permit to carry a concealed weapon, the details surrounding Pennsylvania’s Castle Doctrine and other valuable information regarding state gun laws and firearm safety. Jim Stoker from Firearm Owners Against Crime (FOAC) will be the guest speaker.

Registration is required. To RSVP, visit Cook’s website at, or call his office at 724-929-2660.

Representative Bud Cook
49th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Michelle Swab
717.260.6325 /


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