‘Blessing of the Balers’ to Celebrate PA Agriculture

May 1, 2023

WHAT: Join agriculture organizations, state officials, beef growers and farmers from across the Commonwealth in celebrating the state’s top industry and blessing the balers in hopes for a productive hay season. A baler and tractor will be on-site for the blessing, while attendees are encouraged to bring their hitch pins. The event is modeled after one held in Greene County, PA, last year.

WHO: Rep. Bud Cook (R-Greene/Washington); Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding; Chris Hoffman, president of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau; the Rev. Donald Wilson of Greene County; farmers and agriculture producers; lawmakers; and others.

WHEN: Wednesday, May 3, at 12:30 p.m.

WHERE: Commonwealth Avenue behind the state Capitol building in Harrisburg.

Media contact: Patricia Hippler, 717.772.9846, phippler@pahousegop.com

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