Cook: Three States are Better than One for Protecting Our Rivers
November 20, 2024
WAYNESBURG – Rep. Bud Cook (R-Greene/Washington) is encouraged by a recent meeting between officials in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Maryland about the health of the Monongahela River and other regional waterways.
“We all tend to take easy access to clean water for granted, but the truth is we all have a role to play in protecting our water supply,” Cook said. “We can make all the regulations to protect our water in PA, but state borders mean nothing to the water flowing between them. That’s why this tri-state effort is so important.”
Cook helped launch the effort earlier this year, hosting a meeting in Waynesburg for stakeholders to discuss restoration plans for the Ohio River Basin, including the Monongahela River.
Friday’s session involved several elected officials from all three states as well as leaders from West Virginia Rivers and H2O Headwaters to Ohio Water Network, previously known as the Southwestern Pennsylvania Watershed Network.
The primary focus of the session was a presentation about flooding by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and how and what the organization can do to help. It was also an opportunity for leaders and decisionmakers to network and get to know one another, discuss shared concerns and plan future meetings.
“For our region to thrive from both an economic and quality of life perspective, protecting our waterways is absolutely vital,” Cook said. “I look forward to continuing to work together toward that goal.”
Representative Bud Cook
50th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Patricia Hippler
717.772.9846 /
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