Jan. 17, 2017
BENTLEYVILLE – State Rep. Bud Cook (R-Washington/Fayette) attended last week’s quarterly meeting hosted by the River Towns Coalition at California University and presented the following status update of three major trail proposals that are moving forward in the 49th Legislative District, The Mon Valley.
These include:
Monongahela River Trail – Approximately 25 miles running from Maxwell Lock to the Washington County border in New Eagle. Status: Trail study estimated to be completed 2017-18. Mackin Engineering currently compiling cost estimates.
Mon Valley Coal and Steel Heritage Trail© – Rail to Trail portion approximately 25 miles running from Monongahela, Carroll Township, Fallowfield Township, Bentleyville Borough, Ellsworth Borough, North and West Bethlehem townships to Marianna Borough; and Road Route portion approximately 25 miles from Monongahela, Route 88 from Donora to Fredericktown connecting into the Greene River Trail.
Status: Long Range Planning and Construction expected to take place for both portions from 2018-2040.
Ten Mile Creek Water Trail – Approximately 25 miles running from Mariana Borough, East and West Bethlehem townships, Deemston Borough, Jefferson and Morgan townships.
Status: Engineering costs are currently funded; seeking business and municipal support for printing and promotion.
“One of the priorities I pledged to tackle immediately are concerns regarding the Washington County Comprehensive and Greenways Plans not being followed adequately throughout the 49th District,” said Cook. “Quality of life, lack of investment, blight removal, business development along the river and rail lines to promote industrial bulk shipping are just a few of the major challenges that need to be overcome to help our region to flourish once more. Following this quarterly meeting, I am even more confident that state county and local officials must work together to achieve and fulfill the tasks at hand.”
The 49th Legislative District includes a portion of Washington County consisting of the city of Monongahela; the boroughs of Allenport, Beallsville, Bentleyville, California, Charleroi, Coal Center, Cokeburg, Deemston, Donora, Dunlevy, Elco, Ellsworth, Long Branch, Marianna, New Eagle, North Charleroi, Roscoe, Speers, Stockdale, Twilight and West Brownsville; and the townships of Carroll, Fallowfield, North Bethlehem, West Bethlehem and West Pike Run; and a portion of Fayette County, consisting of the boroughs of Belle Vernon, Fayette City and Newell; and the townships of Franklin, Jefferson and Washington.
“Washington and Fayette counties have an abundance of natural resources and potential activities for our students and residents,” said Cook. “Again, I firmly believe that investing in programs to promote rails to trails and water trails will greatly enhance hiking, fishing and many other outdoor programs throughout our region. Once fully implemented, these recreational opportunities could provide many individuals, especially our youth, with healthy alternatives to drug and alcohol abuse.”
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Representative Bud Cook
49th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Ty McCauslin
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