Feb. 15, 2017

BENTLEYVILLE – State Rep. Bud Cook (R-Washington/Fayette) invites residents of the 49th Legislative District to attend an open house and ribbon cutting on Tuesday, Feb. 28, from 4-6 p.m. at his Bentleyville district office, located at Big Jim Plaza LLC, 55 Gosai Drive, Suite 112.

“My objective from day one as your state representative has been to hit the ground running,” said Cook. “As a first-term lawmaker, hosting this legislative open house is a great way for me to meet and get acquainted with even more of the citizens I serve. The people of the 49th District should know that my staff and I are here to do everything we possibly can to meet and exceed your expectations both at home and in Harrisburg.”

Cook’s district office hours are Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Services available include:

• Assistance with PennDOT paperwork (lost cards, changes, corrections, special registration plates, vanity plates and temporary placards for persons with physical disabilities).
• Information and applications for senior citizen benefit programs, including Property Tax/Rent Rebate and PACE/PACENET prescription drug programs.
• Help with securing birth and death certificates (photo identification required).
• Information about legislation.
• Assistance with resolving matters relating to state agencies.

For the latest district event information and state government updates, visit RepBudCook.com, Facebook.com/RepBudCook, or contact Cook’s office toll-free at (855) 271-9380.

The 49th Legislative District includes a portion of Washington County consisting of the city of Monongahela; the boroughs of Allenport, Beallsville, Bentleyville, California, Charleroi, Coal Center, Cokeburg, Deemston, Donora, Dunlevy, Elco, Ellsworth, Long Branch, Marianna, New Eagle, North Charleroi, Roscoe, Speers, Stockdale, Twilight and West Brownsville; and the townships of Carroll, Fallowfield, North Bethlehem, West Bethlehem and West Pike Run; and a portion of Fayette County, consisting of the boroughs of Belle Vernon, Fayette City and Newell; and the townships of Franklin, Jefferson and Washington.

Representative Bud Cook
49th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Contact: (855) 271-9380
RepBudCook.com / Facebook.com/RepBudCook